
Abhraka,shudha hingula,shudha parade, gandhaka, katuki, amruta satwa, parpashtaka, ushira, madhavi lata, shwetha chandana, sariva all equal part.

Action of ingredients

All ingredients are known for pitta shamaka property.

 Katuki churna is pitta rechaka and mala shodhka

Abhraka bhasma is dhatu poushtika and pitta and vata shamaka.

And all bhavana dravya are also pitta shamaka.


Pitta, all types of pitta.


Pranavaha, udakavaha, annavaha, raktavaha, mainly, all srotas in general where pitta pradhana lakshanas are observed.

Action of ingredients

Chandrakala rasa is well known for its pitta shamaka property, it reduces the ushna and teekshna guna of the pitta.

In saama pitta and pitta vatanubandha – Suthashekhara rasa

In pitta with kapha anubandha – Pravala panchamrita and other sudhavarga dravyas

When sara and drava guna of pitta is increased the drug of choice is suvarna makshika, When pitta is vitiated in koshta then laghu suthashekhara rasa or kamadugha plain are selected.

When ushna and tikshna guna of  pitta is observed in raktavaha srotas – mukta or pravala pishti   

When aggravated pitta is observed in pranavaha, manovaha, majjavaha srotas like in shiro bhrama, anidrata, pravala pishti or godanti bhasma are the drugs of choice,

When aggravated pitta lakshanas are found as sarvadaihika then best choice is chandrakala rasa. 

Samanya anupana

 Gulkand, sharkara, chandanasava, ushirasava,drakshadi mantha, sheeta jala.

Other anupanas can be selected accordingly.


  • Daha, jwara, all types of raktapitta like atyartava, raktarsha, nasagata raktasrava, mutradaha,sarakta mutra, pittaja prameha.
  • In febrile convulsion, chandrakala is used with gulkand, chandana, khanda sharkara with marvelous results.
  • An important action of this rasa is shamaka effect on blood circulatory system, when we see a patient with bounding pulse, moderate hypertension, associated with bhrama, murcha, it shows that aggravated pitta is situated in raktadhatu, in such cases chandrakala rasa, godanti bhasma, with gulkand gives very good results.


Author is Senior Ayurveda physician in GAD, Purappemane, Sagara