Gypsum or hydrated calcium sulphate  is prepared by processing crude gypsum with Arka patra and burning  in Gajaputa. Now a days amruta satwa is inter changed with godanti bhasma.


 Pitta shamaka

Mastishka shamaka

Asti dhatu vardhaka

Garbhashya dosha nivaraka



 250 to 500 mg


According to roga and rogi







  • It is best used in pittaja jwara, daaha,pittaja shira shula, chardi or any other pitta prakopaja vyadhi where ushna, tikshna ,sara guna of pitta and vidagdha guna of pitta is observed.
  • In jwara has to be given with sudarshana churna / with tribhuvana kirti rasa in pitta prakruti persons.
  • In bhrama due to vitiated pitta / amla pitta – godanti + navanitha / ksheera.
  • Used with arjunarishta or with saraswatarishta in hypertensive patients  where  CNS disturbances / anxiety/ anidrata  is the cause.
  • In repeated febrile convulsions of children, or if children are getting fever repeatedly due to calcium deficiency ,  godanti is used in small quantity with amrutarishta for 6 to 8 months, gives very good results.
  • In shweta pradara due to garbhashaya shotha, asthi dhatu kshaya – with ghee and milk.
  • In rakta pradara with ashokarishta
  • In puya meha with trivanga bhasma and chandanasava
  • In pittaja shira shula with sarivadyasava / milk
  • In shushka kasa associated with burning in chest and respiratory tract – sitopaladi churna + godanti+ yashti madhu mixed with ghruta and madhu.
  • After a long time use of antibiotics patients feels vata and pitta prakopaja lakshanas like ruksha,  ushna , daha ,jwara  anidrata,  in this condition godanti with amalaki churna / dhatri loha gives very good results.
  • It is said to be a safe drug in small children, pregnant and lactating women, but long term use in larger doses is not advised .
  • Godanti is a best CNS  relaxant ( mastishka  shamaka) in any such condition where  anxiety , sleeplessness , bhaya ,  pralapa is observed  , is used with navaneetha + sharkara+ jasada bhasma.

Dr. Patanjali. K.V.

Author is Senior Ayurveda physician in GAD, Purappemane, Sagara