
Shudha parada

Shudha gandhaka 

Naga bhasma

Vanga bhasma

Loha bhasma

Tamra bhasma

Abhraka bhasma 

Maricha churna  – All one part

Pippali ,Shunti churna, Tankana  – two parts each

Shudha vatsanabha  4.5 parts

Bhavana dravya :

Kwatha  of  trikatu , triphala , chitramula ,  kushta, nirgundi swarasa, arka dugdha, amalaki swarasa, ardraka swarasa, vijaya swarasa (bhang), nimbu swarasa –  three bhavana of each.

Dose : 125 mg  bid/ tid

Anupana :

Ardraka swarasa, madhu, eranda mula kashaya, eranda taila, ghruta, ksheera, ushna jala.


Very useful in vata roga, aamavata, sutika roga, shiroroga.

Naga, vanga , abhraka bhasma are brimhana.

Tamra, trikatu are amapachaka, vatahara.

Vatsanabha is vedana shamaka.

In bhavana dravya, most of the kwatha are vata shamaka, aama pachaka.

Vijaya  and nirgundi are good vedana shamaka.

MVV is mainly useful in painful conditions related with vata nadi samsthana ( nervous system).

  1. In avabahuka, gridhrasi , where the pain is very high , due to neurological involvement spinal nerve is effected due to spondylosis ,  mvv is used with  rasnadi guggulu, erand mula quatha.
  2. If association of ama, kapha, or aavarana of vata is suspected , it is used with ardraka swarasa and madhu or guda , both aama pachana and vedana shamana are achieved with MVV.
  3. In acute stage of aamavata where pain in the joints are intolerable, MVV used with with guda, shunti, and guggulu gives very good results. Ananda bhairava rasa is also used with MVV, for aamapachana and vedana shamana.
  4. In viral arthritis like chikungunya also the above combination is beneficial.
  5. In shirashoola due to clear vata prakopa, then MVV is drug of choice.
  6. If shira shoola is associated with pitta , suthashekhara is selected, and if it is associated with kapha , shwasa kuthara is better choice.
  7. In Trigeminal neuralgia, non inflammatory tooth ache, pain due to asthi bhagna, or any other conditions where predominance of vata is present MVV is best choice.
  8. In suthika roga , severe pain in shira, basti, koshta, and garbhashaya, MVV used with dashamularishta, eranda mula quatha gives good results.
  9. MVV is not used for longer duration as it increases heart beat, activates nerve endings or neurons. By long term use tingling and burning sensation in extremities , skin , face region is produced  which can be overcome with pravala/ mukta/ kadali kanda swarasa, etc.

Author is Senior Ayurveda physician in GAD, Purappemane, Sagara