Kasisa bhasma is prepared by processing crude Kasisa in Bhringaraja swarasa for shodhana, Triphala quatha and gajaputa for bhasmikarana, and then grinded with  ghrita kumari swarasa and given varaha puta, and then collected for use.

Kasisa bhasma is chemical mixture of Loha and Gandhaka ( ferri sulfate).

Rasa : Kashaya and ishat amla

Veerya  : Ushna

Dosha:  Pitta

Dhatu : Rasa, rakta dhatu

Srotas : Rasavaha, raktavaha, anna vaha

Site of action : Yakrit & pliha, Amashaya, pakwashaya,netra.

Therapeutic uses:

In human beings Loha bhasma is absorbed in ferri form only, in all allopathic iron compounds iron is in the form of ferrous form so an oxidation process is needed for its proper absorption, by which it produces severe gastritis.

Kasisa bhasma is said to be best chakshushya, rakta vardhaka, rasayana, and best used in pandu and diseases related to yakrut, pleeha,yakshma,and gulma.

Kasisa +hingu+ kumari ( rajapravartini vati) cures nashtartava producing proper ovulation, and garbhashya and beejashaya . It crushes and removes gall stones & is kamala roga nivaraka.

Kasisa +ghrita+madhu+ triphala is useful in palitya and netramaya.

Kasisa + shatadhouta ghrita is used as anjana for netra roga such as abhishyanda, puyaabhishyanda, netra vrana, pothaki etc.

Kasisa + pippali + madhu is beneficial in kapha dushita pitta in amashaya and pakwashaya,aamaajirna nivaraka.

Kasisa + jambu bija majja in madhumeha associated with pandu.

It is not so tikshna as compared with loha bhasma, so can be given in larger doses than loha bhasma, and where grahini dosha is a cause for pandu then kasisa and mandura are the drugs of choice, better choice is kasisa. In sukumara purusha also kasisa bhasma can be given without hesitation.

By Dr. Patanjali. K.V.

Author is Senior Ayurveda physician in GAD, Purappemane, Sagara